frequently asked questions

What sizes are available and can you make custom sizes?

Available sizes are shown in the “size and media” drop-down menu for each item in the Gallery store

Yes we can provide custom sizes tell us what you need

Comparison of common sizes

Comparison of common sizes

Size example  -  a 14” x 11” image on 20” x 16” paper

Size example - a 14” x 11” image on 20” x 16” paper


 Typical ready-made frame dimensions

Frame Size Mat Opening Image Size
8" x 10" 4.5" x 6.5" 5" x 7"
11" x 14" 7.5" x 9.5" 8" x 10"
16" x 20" 10.5" x 13.5" 11" x 14"
20" x 24" 15.5" x 19.5" 16" x 20"
24" x 36" 19.5" x 29.5" 20" x 30"
30" x 40" 21.5" x 31.5" 22" x 32"

Measure it - your frame may not be typical, let us know what the “x” and “y” dimensions are

mat opening.jpg