Guest Blog: Meet Bhuddi and Kupu




Art Magik gallery members Bhuddi and Kupu began to create art under difficult circumstances, here is their story in their own words.

Creative Team

Meet the creative duo Bhuddi and Kupu. Bhuddi is the visionary, the dreamer, and Kupu is quite literally the “eyes” for detail. They are a collaborative pARTnership exploring the intricacies of acrylic, ink, and watercolour mediums on paper and canvas. 

The story of how their art venture was born is inspiring. Bhuddi is visually impaired but this is just a small part of how ARTrophy came to be.

Wrongly Imprisoned

Art was a thread in their lives for many years but is now their therapy and escape from a reality they once found themselves in.  For years they were living a dynamic fulfilling life overseas, full of adventure and cultural connection. One day it all came to a screeching halt when Bhuddi and seven other innocent people experienced a less common culturally immersive experience than most... ending up imprisoned in a foreign country.

Sometimes living in a developing country brings excitement and uncertainty. On occasion, the tumultuous nature of these circumstances brings challenges unimaginable. Wrong place, wrong time would be an understatement. Bhuddi went to prison for something he didn't do and Kupu, their friends, family, and supporters fought for justice in a land where justice is elusive. The experience significantly changed their view of the world. Once a naive belief that truth always wins turned into a bitter reality that good does not always conquer evil. 

The Power of Art

Throughout the extensive legal battle and enduring prison sentence, Bhuddi and Kupu rediscovered their love of art and the healing powers it brings.  They realized the process of making art is similar to the space you might find yourself in when meditating. All distractions disappear and the focus becomes solely the creation. While they couldn't control how fast the wheels of justice turned, they could control their mindset and outlook. During this time Bhuddi was inspired by other inmates and started creating ink drawings of scenes from photographs he and Kupu had taken while traveling the world when they were free. He would pass the completed drawings to Kupu and she would add life and vibrancy by adding watercolour. A collaborative creation made in two different places from two different perspectives created one unique piece. This is how the concept for ARTrophy was born. Bhuddi’s eye condition is known as Autosomal Dominant Optic Atrophy. ARTrophy is a play on words. Flip two letters of the word atrophy and you get it;) 

So justice never came or at least hasn't come yet, but Bhuddi did eventually get out and they were able to return back to Canada. Somewhat disillusioned with the world they wanted to move forward with their lives on their own terms. After a year or so of roaming Canada and reconnecting with family and friends, they decided to take ARTrophy to the next level.

Valuable lessons are learned in prison, one being life is uncertain, so you need to do what you want when you can. They want to be known for something they did do, not not here they are. 

Healing and Thriving

ARTrophy was created in order to heal and to serve as an example that you can bounce back from adversity. Not just survive but thrive and their full story is yet to be written. It is turning disability into possibility. It is not about what limits us but that which sets us free. 

Bhuddi’s eye condition limits visual acuity affecting his ability to see detail and discern colour. Kupu interprets the scenes to make sure details come into focus so the essence of the scene is fully realized. It is a healing process of finding joy through art and an effort to recapture a sense of wonder they once had. 

A reporter once asked Bhuddi what his idea of freedom was. The image of sitting on a mountain top surrounded by nature evoked feelings of ultimate freedom. This is why their art amplifies the natural beauty they “see” around them. The big skies and constant call of the mountains inspire their creativity and fuel their curiosity bringing calm, peace, and strength.

Bhuddi and Kupu’s art prints can be purchased on Art Magik here

More about ARTrophy here


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